1Incoming Message (Turn Back the Clock Mix)
2Geisha Lounge (Yin & Yang Mix)
3Dirty Things (Springtime Cut)
4Flower of Spring (All Colours Mix)
5Warm Source (Daydream Mix)
6Peninsula Noise (Spacebar Mix)
7Sound of Arps (Fly 2 Mix)
8Music Connection (Dolphin Mix)
9Oriental Night (The Buddha Flight Mix)
10Slow Motion Ballade (Quiet Earth Mix)
11Short Dream (Beachhouse Mix)
12Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars (Saxy Flow Cut)
13Teleporter (Transformer Mix)
1415Hawaii Island Hoppers (Beachwave Cruiser Mix)
16Tomorrow Island (Yesterday Mix)
17River of My Tears (Vocal Mix)
18I Miss You (The Blue Island Cut)
1920Picture Yourself in a Quiet Room (Dreamsax Cut)
21Give Me Love (The Dreamwave Mix)
22Yes (Wish and Desire Mix)
(C) 2018 Manifold Records